Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Ah they are just good to be with,,,,, always looking forward and detarmined to accomplish goals,,, Burning out for the Lord,,,, shining high as the light,,,,making adifference as salt,,,,these two are students of Stavanger University, they are so wonderful you better try and meet them,,,,,.

Made in africa for
African,,,,, from madagascar to uganda,,, same people same continent. she will always make you smile,,,, yah.

Norwegian food at Tome's home, Kylling and Ris, have people who know about being a foreigner provide good company, Tom is the very one, some times I just wish to have a heart like he does.

Hald brings them together,,, well kenya is near uganda but you can't meet some people from there until Hald does it,,, the meeting place for cross-culture its true.

this valley in the middle of the sea, is just fantastisk. wel we made it to there. risky spot between the valley,,,,,,-

Stavanger city,
the swords bellow is a historical place by the sea were the final battle leading to a united Norge Kingdim. the center of Vikings power. out side Sola(sun) Airport.

Some times it takes special friends like these ones to go through in a foriegn land, thier smiles even during hard times and cold moments make life enjoyeble. Polish and Norsk mix,,,, they always make my being full in Stavanger.